List of Papers
Conference Keynote
Brass wind instruments and their transient behaviour
Bridging the gaps in the harmonic series: Valves, slides and finger holes in brass instruments. p. 2 (abstract)
Campbell, Murray
Simultaneous and in vivo measurements of control parameters used in trumpet performance p. 3 (abstract)
Velut, Lionel; Vergez, Christophe; Gilbert, Joël and Sanchez, Patrick
Transients of the trumpet tone: Basic links between perception and measurements of lips opening area and pressure in player's mouth pp. 4–7 (full paper)
Hruška, Viktor; Švejda, Martin and Guštar, Milan
Playing above and below the resonance: the changing relative phases of pressure, flow and trombonists’ lip motion p. 8 (abstract)
Boutin, Henri; Smith, John and Wolfe, Joe
Experimental investigation of Doppler shift and infrasound generation during wave propagation within the bore of the Trombone during slide movement pp. 9–14 (full paper)
Kemp, Jonathan; Lopez-Carromero, Amaya; Woolley, Alan and Campbell, Murray
Pitch shifts in wind instruments due to changes in air composition pp. 15–20 (full paper)
Balasubramanian, Saranya and Kausel, Wilfried
Inharmonicity of a trumpet with a variable depth mouthpiece p. 21 (abstract)
Tournemenne, Robin; Petiot, Jean-François and Gilbert, Joël
Nonlinear wave propagation
Wall vibrations and air columns
Does an experienced recorder player start notes differently than a novice player? p. 30 (abstract)
Ernoult, Augustin and Fabre, Benoît
An acoustical analysis of waveline flute tube joints pp. 31–34 (full paper)
Lind, Michael and Mayer, Alexander
LBM Simulation of the quasi-static flow in a clarinet pp. 35–42 (full paper)
Shi, Yong; Da Silva, Andrey and Scavone, Gary
Analytical model of the transition between cylinder and conical tubes p. 43 (abstract)
Kergomard, Jean; Lefebvre, Antoine and Scavone, Gary
Periodic and quasi-periodic regimes of an alto saxophone according to the control parameters and the bore inharmonicity p. 44 (abstract)
Doc, Jean-Baptiste and Vergez, Christophe
Comparison between the measured and played intonation on four e-flat clarinets in the altissimo register pp. 45–51 (full paper)
Gangl, Manuel and Hofmann, Alex
Improving a G-high clarinet using measurement data and electronic circuit analysis program pp. 52–58 (full paper)
Schueller, Fritz and Poldy, Carl
Influence of the truncation length of the oboe cone on the reed closing time pp. 59–63 (full paper)
Carral, Sandra and Chatziioannou, Vasileios
Parameter ranges for artificial bassoon playing pp. 64–69 (full paper)
Grothe, Timo
Questionnaire: Satisfaction on the E-flat clarinet p. 70 (abstract)
Gangl, Manuel
Influence of mouthpiece geometry on saxophone playing pp. 71–77 (full paper)
Carral, Sandra and Lorenzoni, Valerio
Software simulation of the tone-hole lattice in Clarinet-like systems pp. 78–85 (full paper)
Schueller, Fritz and Poldy, Carl
Comparison of mouthpiece pressure signal and reed bending signal on clarinet and saxophone p. 86 (abstract)
Hofmann, Alex and Reuter, Christoph
Early brass music and instruments
From Mersenne to Robartes: The trumpet, the trumpet marine, and the discovery of the harmonic series p. 87 (abstract)
Carter, Stewart
The on-going quest for trumpet mute pitch-alteration: An acoustical analysis of three historic trumpet mutes at the National Music Museum pp. 88–91 (full paper)
Klaus, Sabine and Pyle, Robert
Transposing Mutes for Trumpets pp. 92–95 (full paper)
Stradner, Gerhard
Refining the narrative of Anton Weidinger’s prototype keyed trumpet p. 96 (abstract)
Proksch, Bryan
The late keyed trumpet p. 97 (abstract)
V. Steiger, Adrian
Šedifon (Schediphone): Case study on a rare brass instrument pp. 98–102 (full paper)
Hruška, Viktor and Berdychová, Tereza
Preservation of historic instruments
Characterisation and documentation of instruments
To know, to remember, to preserve: documenting objects and sites related to sound production p. 104 (abstract)
Bastos, Patricia Lopes
In search of the remaining elements of Sébastien Érard and Gabriel Joseph Grenié’s organs, first expressive organs built in France p. 105 (abstract)
Maniguet, Thierry
Victor-Charles Mahillon and his anti-cornet strategy p. 106 (abstract)
Dumoulin, Géry
Modal analysis of violoncello tailpieces – copies derived from 3 tailpieces ascribed to Stradivari. pp. 107–113 (full paper)
Houssay, Anne and Fouilhé, Eric
Violin projection: perceptual and semantic analyses p. 114 (abstract)
Fritz, Claudia and Dubois, Danièle
Measurements on historic pianos p. 115 (abstract)
Chaigne, Antoine and Hecher, Gert
Period instruments revival with Pianoteq KIViR project p. 116 (abstract)
Chabassier, Juliette; Guillaume, Philippe and Pommier, Julien
Brasswind engineering: Some practical observations p. 117 (abstract)
Vereecke, Hannes
Single note instruments
Numerical methods
Modeling string boundary conditions and string coupling in lute instruments p. 124 (abstract)
Pfeifle, Florian
Time-domain simulations of a ten-string Brazilian guitar p. 125 (abstract)
Paiva, Guilherme; Gautier, François; Ablitzer, Frédéric and Santos, José Maria C.
Investigation of tanpura string vibrations using a two-dimensional time-domain model incorporating coupling and bridge friction pp. 126–131 (full paper)
Bridges, Jamie and Van Walstijn, Maarten
Physically-based dynamic morphing of beam sounds p. 132 (abstract)
Hélie, Thomas and Matignon, Denis
Role of modal approach for sound synthesis of nonlinear systems: the case of plates p. 133 (abstract)
Ducceschi, Michele and Touzé, Cyril
Physical Modeling and Numerical Simulation of Human Phonation p. 134 (abstract)
Kaltenbacher, Manfred; Zörner, Stedan; Hüppe, Andreas and Sidlof, Petr
Discrete-time conserved quantities for damped oscillators pp. 135–139 (full paper)
Chatziioannou, Vasileios and Van Walstijn, Maarten
Exploring the decay properties of guitar sounds from mobility measurements p. 140 (abstract)
David, Bertrand; Gautier, François and Curtit, Marthe
Experimental methods
Using a dual electronic speckle-pattern interferometer to study coupled vibrations in drumheads pp. 148–152 (full paper)
Worland, Randy and Boe, Benjamin
Interferometric studies of the Brazilian Cuíca pp. 153–157 (full paper)
Statsenko, Tatiana; Chatziioannou, Vasileios and Kausel, Wilfried
Microphone array methods for musical acoustics p. 158 (abstract)
Bader, Rolf
Emergence of inharmonic components in classical guitar sounds p. 159 (abstract)
Fréour, Vincent; Gautier, François; David, Bertrand and Curtit, Marthe
Cello bowing pendulum p. 160 (abstract)
Mores, Robert
Microphone array measurements of the grand piano p. 161 (abstract)
Plath, Niko; Pfeifle, Florian; Koehn, Christian and Bader, Rolf
Investigating chime bar vibrations using high-speed stereophotogrammetry pp. 162–165 (full paper)
Grothe, Timo and Barth, Rainer
Steady state sound production and investigations on classic guitars p. 166 (abstract)
Schmücker, Hellmut
An automatic acquisition system for measuring the directional characteristic of musical instruments pp. 167–172 (full paper)
Lahmer, Martin and Mayer, Alexander
Free reed instruments
Reed chamber resonances in free reed instruments: Problems and possibilities p. 173 (abstract)
Cottingham, James
Bionic pitch benders for free reed instruments p. 174 (abstract)
Granzow, John; Rossing, Thomas and Egbert, Peter
Experimental study of the sound produced from a concert accordion p. 175 (abstract)
Elejalde Garcia, Maria Jesus; Macho Stadler, Erica; Llanos Vazquez, Ricardo and Agos Esparza, Asier
Experimental study of free reed initial transients p. 176 (abstract)
Cottingham, James and Wolff, Daniel
Piano modelling
Piano hammer-string contact duration: How the bass hammer is released from the string pp. 177–180 (full paper)
Stulov, Anatoli
Energy based simulation of a Timoshenko beam in non-forced rotation. Influence of the piano hammer shank flexibility on the sound. p. 181 (abstract)
Chabassier, Juliette and Duruflé, Marc
Double polarisation in nonlinear vibrating piano strings pp. 182–187 (full paper)
Tan, Jin Jack; Touzé, Cyril and Cotte, Benjamin
Comparisons between measured and predicted vibroacoustics characteristics of an upright piano soundboard p. 188 (abstract)
Trévisan, Benjamin; Margerit, Pierre; Ege, Kerem and Laulagnet, Bernard
Energy analysis of structural changes in pianos pp. 189–196 (full paper)
Chaigne, Antoine; Chabassier, Juliette and Duruflé, Marc
Designing on subjective tolerance to approximated piano reproductions pp. 197–204 (full paper)
Fontana, Federico; Zambon, Stefano and De Pra, Yuri
Gesture and communication in music performance
Performance space: The spotlight and its implications for performance psychology p. 205 (abstract)
Williamon, Aaron
Rhythm perception in the context of music and dance p. 206 (abstract)
Su, Yi-Huang
Enabling synchronization: Auditory and visual modes of communication during ensemble performance p. 207 (abstract)
Bishop, Laura and Goebl, Werner
Perceptual relevance of asynchrony between orchestral instrument groups in two concert halls pp. 208–214 (full paper)
Tahvanainen, Henna; Haapaniemi, Aki; Pätynen, Jukka and Lokki, Tapio
Playing slow in reverberant rooms – Examination of a common concept based on empirical data pp. 215–219 (full paper)
Schärer Kalkandjiev, Zora and Weinzierl, Stefan
Flexible score following: The Piano Music Companion and beyond pp. 220–223 (full paper)
Arzt, Andreas; Goebl, Werner and Widmer, Gerhard
Real-time estimation of instrument controls with marker based IR cameras. p. 224 (abstract)
Perez-Carrillo, Alfonso and Wanderley, Marcelo
Piezoelectric film sensors facilitate simultaneous measurement of bowing parameters and bridge vibrations during violin playing p. 225 (abstract)
Gidion, Gunnar and Gerhard, Reimund
Towards Bridging the Gap in a Musical Live Performance p. 226 (abstract)
Hödl, Oliver; Kayali, Fares; Fitzpatrick, Geraldine and Holland, Simon
TappingFriend – an interactive science exhibit for experiencing synchronicity with real and artificial partners pp. 227–230 (full paper)
Goebl, Werner and Guggenberger, Dominikus
Timbre perception
Roughness of violin tones - the perception of irregularities pp. 231–236 (full paper)
Otčenášek, Zdeněk and Otčenášek, Jan
Towards the comparability and generality of timbre space studies pp. 237–240 (full paper)
Siddiq, Saleh; Reuter, Christoph; Czedik-Eysenberg, Isabella and Knauf, Denis
Modelling similarity perception of short music excerpts p. 241 (abstract)
Müllensiefen, Daniel
Comparing recorded and simulated musical instrument sounds: perspectives for a perceptual evaluation p. 242 (abstract)
Osses V., Alejandro and Kohlrausch, Armin
Investigating the colloquial description of sound by musicians and non-musicians p. 243 (abstract)
Dostal, Jack
Pre-assembly violin auralization—listening to plate-tuning trends and to fine model-adjustments p. 244 (abstract)
Mores, Robert
Biomechanics workshop
Voice and auralization
Organ acoustics
Study on the influence of acoustics on organ playing using room enhancement pp. 252–258 (full paper)
Amengual Garí, Sebastià V.; Lachenmayr, Winfried and Kob, Malte
Coupled organ pipes and synchronization – Numerical investigations and methods p. 259 (abstract)
Fischer, Jost and Bader, Rolf
Inton – a system for in-situ measurement of the pipe organ pp. 260–264 (full paper)
Guštar, Milan and Otčenášek, Zdeněk
The influence of nicks on the sound properties and the airflow in front of flue organ pipe pp. 265–270 (full paper)
Otčenášek, Zdeněk; Hruška, Viktor; Moravec, Ondřej and Švejda, Martin
Physical modeling tools for musical instruments
Digital guitar workshop – A physical modeling software for instrument builders p. 271 (abstract)
Bader, Rolf; Richter, Jan; Münster, Malte and Pfeifle, Florian
Real-time physical modeling of large instrument geometries using coupled FPGAs p. 272 (abstract)
Pfeifle, Florian
Feasibility analysis of real-time physical modeling using WaveCore processor technology on FPGA pp. 273–280 (full paper)
Verstraelen, Math; Pfeifle, Florian and Bader, Rolf
Software simulation of clarinet reed vibrations pp. 281–286 (full paper)
Schueller, Fritz and Poldy, Carl
Audio signal processing
Spatial manipulation of musical sound: Informed source separation and respatialization p. 287 (abstract)
Marchand, Sylvain
Modeling the spectrum structure within the NMF framework. Application to inharmonic sounds p. 288 (abstract)
David, Bertrand; Rigaud, Francois and Daudet, Laurent
Towards realistic and natural synthesis of musical performances: Performer, instrument and sound modeling pp. 289–294 (full paper)
Perez-Carrillo, Alfonso
A comparison of single-reed and bowed-string excitations of a hybrid wind instrument pp. 295–301 (full paper)
Buys, Kurijn; Sharp, David and Laney, Robin
Automatic music transcription using spectrogram factorization methods p. 302 (abstract)
Benetos, Emmanouil
Steady state sound production and investigations on classical guitars pp. 303–309 (full paper)
Schmücker, Hellmut

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