Vienna Talk 2015 on Music Acoustics
“Bridging the Gaps”     16–19 September 2015



You may either contribute a full paper or an abstract. Proposals for special topical sessions can still be accepted.

1) Full paper submission with peer review

The preferred way is to submit a full paper (4–8 pages) by 22nd March 2015. These papers will be properly peer-reviewed by reviewers selected by the scientific committee. Reviews will be forwarded to you by 8th June 2015. A revised version of the paper is to be submitted by 15th July 2015. These accepted papers will be clearly marked in the proceedings as “peer reviewed”. There will be a proceedings book (with ISBN) as well as permanent Open-Access online publication (with a URN for each paper).

2) Abstract submission with optional full paper

The other option is to submit a 300-word abstract (i.e. 2.500 characters) by 12th April 2015. The abstract will be evaluated by the scientific committee. You will receive an acceptance notification by 15th June 2015. After acceptance you will have the opportunity to submit a full paper (4–8 pages) by 15th July 2015 that will be included in the proceedings volume as a “non-peer reviewed” paper. Authors who do not provide a full paper are strongly encouraged to at least upload a PDF with their abstract until the conference date (using the paper template).

3) Contribute your special topic session

If you are aware of a “hot-topic” in your recent research field, we encourage you to organize a special topic session, by inviting respected speakers and colleagues working in that field to submit. Please submit your session proposal by sending a title and short abstract of your special session together with a list of contributors, titles and brief individual abstracts to by 12th April 2015 .

If you want to bring together a “special interest group” that wants to meet and be represented at Vienna Talk 2015, please contact the local organizing committee.

Submission procedure

Submission of full papers and abstracts should be made through If you do not already have an EasyChair account, please create one to be able to upload and edit your contributions and receive feedback on them.

Paper templates

We recommend to use LaTeX to prepare your printer-ready paper using this LaTeX template. If you prefer, you may also use other word processors with this Word template.

Banner Pictures: © PID/Schaub-Walzer